Los Tuneles

The number one activity from Puerto Vilamil on Isla Isabela according to Trip Advisor, is Los Tuneles. We were expecting a lot and were not disappointed. Los Tuneles is a wide expanse of semi-submerged lava tunnels with cacti 1oo’s of years old growing on top. The water is  gin-clear and is shallow with a sandy bottom. This aqua clarity contrasted with the black lava and cacti produced a striking, unearthly landscape.

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Cacti grow 1 cm per year – these are 100’s of years old

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Los Tuneles is filled with wildlife. In and around the tunnels we saw stingrays, turtles, sharks, a penguin, and seahorses. Incredible! In addition, from the boat there and back, we saw many giant manta rays showing their white underside as they flipped on the surface of the water. We had a particularly good viewing post when on the roof of the boat.

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Alex spotted this little guy while snorkelling, a Galapagos penguin!
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Eagle rays
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Green turtle
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White-tipped sharks resting
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Sharks in their cave, scary for us entering!
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Seahorse close to the mangroves
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Roof top viewing
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White underside of a huge manta ray

We, too, would rate Los Tuneles as the number 1 activity to do from Isla Isabela! What an awesome day!


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